Thursday, March 8, 2012

Information Overload and Knowing When to Stop

When my parents homeschooled in the early 80’s there were only a few resources available to homeschoolers. Today, the array of curricula, books, educational materials, and information is virtually limitless.

One of the best things I’ve done to simplify our homeschool is to just STOP. Information overload is paralyzing. I don’t go to homeschool book fairs. I don’t pore over curriculum catalogs or hang out on forums where the allure of what someone else is using is always dangled in front of me. If something is working for us, I stick with it. If not, I will do some research and pray about it and try to go from there, but I attempt not to get bogged down by too many choices.

Yesterday I was thoroughly enjoying some TED talks. After 3, I just had to make myself stop. I could spend my entire life online listening to lectures and reading about education, but never putting it into practice. I felt directed to a couple of specific talks, and I felt like I had heard what I know God wanted me to hear and at that point. More would have just been overwhelming, too much.

I’m not saying this is the right way for everyone, but I know that my personality is easily overstimulated by too many options, too much information. Limiting how many ideas I let into my brain helps keep me on the right track.

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